A staple among Peruvians, Ceviche is almost like a religion in Peru. Everybody will have the recipe for the authentic Peruvian Ceviche. Still, the reality is that Ceviche will have a particular flavour depending on who prepares it, even though it has few ingredients: raw fish, lime juice, onions, aji/chilli and Leche de Tigre.
- 400 grams of raw firm white fish
- 2 cups fish stock
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 piece of ginger (the size of dice)
- 1 celery stick
- cilantro or coriander
- 2 onions
- 2 chilli or hot peppers
- 1 kg lime
- 2 big sweet potatoes
- 1 1/2 litre of Sunkist or Fanta
- salt
- The first is to make the caramelised sweet potatoes to rest and be cool to eat with the Ceviche. We don’t want any hot side dish for a good ceviche. Peeled the sweet potatoes and sliced them 2 cm (1 inch) thick. Put them in a pot and cover them with the Sunkist or Fanta; cover the pot with the lid and let them cook at medium temperature until the sweet potatoes are tender and the liquid has evaporated and has caramelised the sweet potatoes. It will cook for approximately 20 minutes. Then you have to be careful not to let the liquid burn because if it evaporates quickly, the sugar inside will be burnt.
- Cut the fish fillet into homogeneous cubes. Put the pieces in a bowl with some salt and let them rest in the fridge to conserve their freshness. The odd bits, you should reserve for the Leche de Tigre.
- Peeled the red onions, sliced them thinly, and let them rest in cold water to remain crisp and lose some intense flavours.
- Cut the chilis discarding the veins and seeds, but if you are looking for some spicy kick, let a little of the veins when you cut the chilli into little squares. Because I like the flavour, but I’m not a massive advocate of super spicy things. I prefer without the veins.
- Washed the cilantro and cut the leaves into tiny bits for later and reserved the stalls for the Leche de Tigre.
- Squeeze all the lime juice by hand and strain it for any loose seed—Reserve for later.
- To make the Leche de Tigre, you need a blender to put the odd fish pieces, a bit of garlic, a part of ginger, and the cilantro stalks (don’t put the leaves; otherwise will turn green), fragments of aji, fish stock and salt.
- Mix the lime with the Leche de Tigre taste for the assembly until you are OK with the flavour. Some people will like more acidic, others less, so if you want less, add more Leche de Tigre. Mix the juice with the onions, chilli and fish. Sprinkle with a bit of cilantro.
- Serve right away to have the freshest fish, but if it is your first time eating raw fish and you are a bit hesitant, let it rest for a couple of minutes in the lemon juice, and the fish will cook a little into the acidic. Serve with sweet potatoes and some white corn or Peruvian corn. Enjoy!
Always do the Leche de Tigre with the cilantro stalks otherwise, you will have a greenish Leche de Tigre.
Keywords: Peruvian Ceviche, Ceviche Peruano, Cebiche Peruano, Authentic Peruvian Ceviche, Leche de Tigre