Encanelado or cinnamon CAke

Cinnamon Cake

Encanelado or cinnamon CAke

“Encanelado” is a Peruvian dessert that we love to do every birthday and put in tiny paper cups as a side sweet treat. We have a sweet tooth in Peru…hahaha. Is a luscious cake with some syrup for moisture and filled with dulce de leche and covered with cinnamon for the final step. 

This is the favourite dessert for one of my dearest friends and I’ll hope she can do this recipe at home or when I go visit here I will do it 🙂


5 eggs

8 tablespoon sugar

1 cup of flour

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 can of dulce de leche or caramel

1 cup of sugar

1/2 cup of water

1 tablespoon of Pisco

3 tablespoon icing sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Preheat the oven at 180°C and prepare one rectangle mould with parchment paper. Set aside. 
  2. In an electric mixer put the eggs and mix them until it gets foamy. Add one tablespoon of sugar at a time. Keep beating until the mixture doubles its volume and if you use a spatula and drip over a little mixture you can see the trace of it for a couple of seconds before disappearing. Add the vanilla. Finally, with a sifter add the flour and with a spatula mix it with a few movements, We want to preserve the foaminess. 
  3. Pour the mixture over the tray and bake it for 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes clean. Let it cool. 
  4. Meanwhile, we are going to prepare the syrup. In a pot, pour the sugar and water. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring it out of the fire and add the pisco or some aromatic liquor that you have. Set aside.
  5. Pull the cake out of the tray and peel the parchment paper. Cut the cake in half so you have to even pieces. Drizzle each one with warm syrup. Filled one of the layers with the dulce de leche and put the other layer over. 
  6. In a bowl mix the icing sugar and cinnamon and sift over the cake to have the cinnamon cover. Cut the cake into pieces to serve (like the picture) or just in tiny pieces and rolled it over the sifted sugar with cinnamon and present it in a paper cup. Enjoy it!
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