
The Idea

Vale and Chris

Thanks to our three great passions, this blog was born: eating, cooking and travelling. We have spent several years travelling around different parts of the world, learning about other cultures and trying different foods that suddenly a few years ago we would not imagine trying.

By the way, we are two Peruvians (Vale and Chris), and in Latin America, we are known for our love of food and eating well. We grew up around food. Almost all my childhood memories are around a food table or kitchen counter.

Now we live in Australia and are willing to know all the fantastic flavours and products we can find here and how to fusion it with our way of cooking at home and creating excellent plates on the way.

Through this blog journey, I discovered the world of food photography and became a professional food photographer that offers my services besides this blog. If you are interested in seeing a little bit of it, check it here.