
Great Gifts for a Beginner Baker: 10 essential products for baking

10 Baking Essential Products

Great Gifts for a Beginner Baker: 10 essential products for baking

Sometimes people ask me what essential products I use for baking in my kitchen. It will depend on how far you want to go with this craziness. As you can imagine, I owe many products for specific recipes, but I will not recommend them if you are not a passionate baker by heart or you want to do a business out of it. If that is the case, go girl, buy as many as you need. 

Finishing the apple pie

In this post, I want to list all the things you need to achieve successful baking. As you may know, baking is a more precise art, so you need to be more careful about the measure and steps. For sure, you can be creative, but following some foundations and recipe ratios. 

As with anything in the world, if you practice more, you will find a pattern in some related recipes so you can start tweaking some things for your taste. 

With no more preamble, the list: I will put some links (affiliate links*) to see an image to relate to what I am talking about.  

List of Great Gift for a Begginer Baker

  1. Mixing bowls: It is essential to have at least two because some recipes will ask you to mix the dry and wet ingredients before mixing them. Or to beat the egg white separately to the main mixture.  https://amzn.to/3FO6cUX
  2. Spatulas: I prefer to have some Silicone Spatulas because I consider them more versatile, you can use them to mix things in your bowl and use them on heat, and the plus is that they will not scratch any of them your surfaces. https://amzn.to/3wv48gq
  3. Hand Whisker: You will need a hand whisker when you want to mix your recipe by hand. I prefer to buy them in silicone, so you are not afraid of scratching some of your precious surfaces. https://amzn.to/3odwrMC
  4. Measure cups and spoons: Sometimes people ask me why they couldn’t achieve a recipe and I will always ask if you have used measuring cups or a scale. They usually will answer no, I will use my coffee cup and my regular spoon to measure. That is why you can’t achieve all the recipes, they are recipes that are more forgivers with that type of measurement, like pancakes, for example, but a good meringue will need exact measurements. So I push you to buy some measurement cups and spoons, the next step will be a scale.  https://amzn.to/3lXo3B7
  5. Baking trays: They are a must for every baker. You will use it for baking cookies, biscuits, sheet cakes, etc. https://amzn.to/3mW4rfN
  6. Round Cake Pan: You will need two of them because any cake will ask for a round mould or pan for sure. https://amzn.to/3DLItCO
  7. Rectangular Pan: You will need a rectangular pan for brownies, sheet cakes, coffee cakes, cinnamon rolls, etc. The most common one is the 33cm x 22cm. https://amzn.to/3F5F42H
  8. Loaf Pan: You will use this mould for your pound cakes, breads, fruit cakes, etc. https://amzn.to/30jkPj3
  9. Pie or tart pan: for a beginner, I will always prefer to have a non-stick one, so it will be easier not to fail when lifting your pie from it. https://amzn.to/30FLxSQ
  10. Hand Electric mixer: For some recipes, you will need an electric mixer, and if you are not ready to commit to a stand mixer, this is a great option. I used this for almost two years of my blog before committing for a stand mixer. https://amzn.to/3F1F6bL

I’ll hope this list gives you some ideas to gift to a baker friend or just to buy for yourself. Comment me what will be your next purchase and why?

*The above link is an affiliate link which means that Canguro Criollo makes a commission if you make a purchase via our link. This does not affect the price you pay in any way or our decision to recommend them. We will provide an exact product or something similar if the same product is no longer available. 

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