
Hollandaise Sauce for Perfect Eggs Benedict

Salsa Holandesa

Hollandaise Sauce for Perfect Eggs Benedict

We love to splurge ourselves with a superb Sunday breakfast and what better than Eggs Benedict. So we try different recipes to achieve the hollandaise sauce and we think this is foolproof. We´ll hope you try it. 


2 eggs yolks

1/2 tablespoon lemon

1/4 cup of butter melted. 


Cayenne Pepper


  1. Heat a pan with water until it starts to steam. We are going to use it to cook the preparation in a water bath. 
  2. Meanwhile, in a heatproof bowl that you could put over your pan, beat the egg yolk and lemon with a whisker. Put the bowl over the water bath and pour in a drizzle the melted butter whisking along till the mixture has the correct texture. If it is too runny continue whisking until it goes thicker and if it thick too much just put some boiling water a spoon at a time until you have it right. Season with salt.
  3. Prepare your toast, muffin or sourdough with some ham or bacon. Put a poached egg over and top it with the sauce and just enjoy this amazing breakfast. 
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