Author: admin

We have to follow the trend and make some poke bowls for lunch and what best than a piece of Aussie Salmon. We love the final results because y a very healthy and fresh meal.  Ingredients: 200 gr salmon 2 cups Japanese rice 3 cups of water 1 cucumber 1 avocado 1 sheet of dry nori pickled ginger mayonnaise with wasabi 3 1/2 tbsp soy...

This is a very summery dish full of prawns and the tanginess of the lime. The thing that we love is that is a super easy recipe but I will taste like you make a lot of effort. The recipe is for two plates and a little extra...

I want to "bake" a nice dessert but without the fuzziness and complication of really baking a proper dessert. So I came out with this recipe that the only thing you need is time to leave in the fridge but not to prepare. If you have the space in...

This is a chewy and very tasteful biscuit to satisfied your sweet cravings. As a new mom, sometimes I have these sweet cravings but don´t have the time to make a very intricate recipe when I am alone with my child. So this is the perfect recipe for that....

Pizza is a very common meal, but super yummy. If you want to send this to the next level and make it a good date night meal, you could make it from scratch and impress your partner with your cooking skills. Also if you are very organized or...

Strawberries are now in season, so what is better than create a recipe with them. This is a one-bowl mix it all and zero mess recipe, so try it out if you have some spare strawberries.  Ingredients: 6 tbsp unsalted butter 8 tbsp cream cheese 1 cup sugar 1/2 tsp salt 2 eggs 1/2 cup condensed milk 1 tsp vanilla 1 1/2 cup flour 1...

Una variación del típico macarronis con queso…además que un poco más sano que comer el de caja. INGREDIENTES: 250 gr macarronis 3 Cdas mantequilla 3 Cdas harina 2 tz de leche 1 tz de crema de leche 2 Cdtas mostaza dijon 250 gr queso colby o cheddar rallado 1 tz de pan rallado 2 cdas...

Esta es una opción rica y rápida para un desayuno de domingo cuando quieres algo especial. INGREDIENTES: 6 rebanadas de pan 2 huevos ¼ tz leche 3 Cdas azúcar 1 cdta de canela mantequilla PREPARACIÓN: En un bowl o bandeja profunda batir los huevos con la leche, el azúcar y canela. Calentar una sartén a...

El fin de semana pasado probamos esta receta para comerla como piqueo con amigos. Esta buena para acompañar con un rico vino y como complemento cuando tienes una tabla de quesos y quieres algo diferente como para cambiar el sabor. Ingredientes: 4 tz de harina sin preparar 2 cdta de levadura seca...

Este es un postre que le encanta a mi esposo y cada vez que puedo se lo preparo. A él le gusta que tenga extra leche y mejor si está helado. Les comparto esta receta y espero que les guste mucho. INGREDIENTES: Torta: 5 huevos 8 Cuc azúcar 1 Tz harina...